Saturday, May 17, 2008

Being pro-choice makes you a murderer!

I blame some idiots at my school for this post. No names shall be given.
The other day in class, someone said, or overheard me say I was pro-choice. Yes, I support the mindless killing of "babies" when inside the womb. Now, this is how it pretty much went down.
I was approached, and this was said to me: "IF YOUR WIFE WANTED A BABY YOU'D KILL IT YOU'RE SO MEAAAAAAN."
Exactly, bullshit. I'll tell you why.
1: Being pro-choice does not mean I want to make abortions mandatory for all women.
2: If my wife wanted a baby, I'd have to want one, too.
3: I can't force her to get an abortion.
I also love some of the great arguments I get against abortion, such as "IT'S MEAN!" and "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOUR MOM ABORTED YOU!?"
Yeah. I'm afraid for society.
It seems that going against the Bible in any was is wrong. I know my facts. I'm not some idiot atheist who is just out to pick a fight with all Christians (though I am good at that sometimes). I know what I'm arguing about.
Next blag post will probably be:
God is no better than Joseph Stalin (according to one Christian).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know in the Bible it also says that women are completely inferior to men and that slavery is super cool.
Also I don't think that I've ever had a direct quote from the Bible that says abortion is wrong. I mean, I'm sure they exist, but they don't come around as often as the "homosexuality is an abomination" thing. And that was mistranslated - abomination meant something unusual, not something amazingly bad.